Did you know?

92% of customers read reviews before purchasing any product or service from a business

    This is true for your school too! Schools with higher ratings and reviews rank higher.


    Any prospective parent who is looking for admission into your school will most definitely research and read your school’s reviews. Can you imagine the damage a review like this can do?  

    The worst part - reviews like this will deter parents from visiting your school. So you won’t even have a chance to change their minds.
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Most schools don’t pay attention to Google Reviews because they have no control over them. It’s an open forum where anyone can post anything. But there is something your school can do - get credible sources to write good reviews that challenge the bad ones.

    For example - Your Alumni!

    Imagine hundreds of your alumni writing such Candid, Credible & Compelling reviews. It will not only give a good first impression, but also have a significant impact on your school’s brand & digital marketing. 

    Wouldn't you want to work this magic of Google Reviews for your school admissions & marketing? 
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