Growing Influence of Alumni Reviews on School Admissions

Stories From My School

Every Review Matters

Top schools across the country are experiencing remarkable success in admissions by actively engaging with their alumni. Positive reviews from alumni and their families on platforms like Google have become a crucial factor in influencing new admissions. Securing these reviews isn't easy-

  • Univariety's Alumni Engagement System offers a streamlined solution to simplify this process to help you out. 
  • Send automated messages to a list of alumni in less than 30 seconds.
  • Provide personalized links to encourage alumni to leave reviews effortlessly.
  • Connect with us to know more.
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Reviews from Students

Top schools across the country are embracing Alumni Engagement and witnessing impressive results. 8 out of 10 schools that have partnered with Univariety highly recommend the Alumni Engagement System. They’ve seen significant improvements across several key areas:

  • Increase in student success rates.
  • A significant Boost in new admission rates. 
  • Development of an active and thriving alumni community.
  • Imagine the transformative impact a strong alumni network can have on your students and school, offering everything from mentorship programs to career guidance.
  • Talk to us today and transform your journey with the power of reviews.
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